Sunday, July 17, 2016

"Tuesday" Author Spotlight - The Beloved by Genevra Thorne

This morning I finished a book. Sometimes, a book draws you in and you never want the story to end. The characters are never far from your thoughts and the setting consumes your mind. That was this book. A downfall I have is, when I enjoy a book I actually read slower - so this review is coming to you on a Sunday instead of my usual Tuesday. I love fantasy stories so this was a perfect match for me.

When I first started the book I was a little overwhelmed. There are many characters to sort through and they, along with their surroundings, are described in such detail I felt a little lost. Once I got past that initial issue, I was hooked. It was a fairly light read and I throughly enjoyed it. I would read on my breaks, I would read over lunch, and every night as my four year old played in the yard I was reading again.

This is a magical story that involves humans, but also has magical worlds and faeries and magnificent magical trees. The two main characters are both scarred, but in different ways. They are both judged for their appearance, but again in different ways. One human, one fae, In the middle of the book you are a few ways the story could go. Genevra doesn't leave you in suspense too long, just long enough to make it good.

If you are looking for a new good fantasy love story - then you should grab a copy of The Beloved and enjoy. You won't be disappointed. :) This one is a solid FIVE STARS.

Keep in mind - this IS the second book in the series - I'm actually planning on going back and reading the first now. The way the story reads, I don't think it will be confusing, rather it might clear up some things I still am left with questions about.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Tuesday Author Spotlight - Daughter of the Sun

I will be the first to admit - I was excited to read this book... until I started reading about cats. But, do yourself a favor and power through if you are like me and don't care for cats. You won't be disappointed.

The book does start off slow and I was worried at first if I would make it through. Besides the cats, and the obvious connection to Trinity, there isn't a lot of information for the story in the first little bit. If you stick through to the meat of the story, it does become a fun read.

Zoe obviously did her homework on this one. Lots of great Egyptian mythology and history is included and makes it a very interesting read. The writing is well done, even if slow at first, and you are not left wondering what the author meant.

So many twists and turns, this book really keeps your interest once you get into it and it leaves you ready for book #2 even though you are not completely left wondering what happened.

Overall - I give it 

If you are interested in checking this one out yourself, you can find it HERE on Amazon.

This Review is a part of the Blogger Outreach Program by b00k r3vi3w Tours

Friday, July 1, 2016

July 1 Fantasy Friday

This edition of FF includes some fantastic poetry, amazing fantasy love stories and more!