Thursday, February 18, 2016

And I was RUNNING...

So, besides going to school and working (and trying to get some writing time in) I spend a lot of my time running. Yes, my family thinks I'm crazy - but it is super relaxing for me to go out on a run. Not only that, but as my Dr pointed out to me yesterday - it does wonders to control my cholesterol :P

So, in my running journey over the last 6 years I've came across a LOT of running apps. Some have helped me so much that I continue to use them almost daily. Others... not so much help. I thought this might be the case for a lot of runners, so I decided to do just a short blog each week about some of the apps I have found to be the most helpful.

This first app is actually pretty well known I think by most people wanting to get into shape and/or loose weight (no - those do not always go hand in hand).

My Fitness Pal is a great app for either of those purposes. You can track anything and everything you eat and do. One of my favorite things is, it has a barcode scanner! YES! You can simply scan an items barcode and it knows all the information for that product. So handy! You can also adjust your macros to whatever type of diet you are currently on (such as Keto or Paleo) and there are charts to help you keep on track.

It also syncs with several trackers (such as my Fitbit) so you know how your daily movement (or lack of) is effecting the number of calories you have to eat in a day. And it keeps track of your friends too so you know you are not alone in this long journey to health and fitness.

If you are interested - simply check out and no - I don't get ANYTHING for sharing their link - just trying to help out. :)

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