Monday, February 22, 2016

Running AND Raising Money - Doesn't Get Much Better!

I've always thought it was a shame that I couldn't do more with my running. I mean - my kids always brought home their Math-a-thon papers and people could "sponsor" them so much money for each mile or lap they ran/walked around the track. Wouldn't it be great to be able to do that as an adult?

Well - you actually CAN. In a couple of different ways.

One of my newest favorite apps is Charity Miles. This app is GREAT because you can choose what charity you are donating your time and miles to and the list to choose from is pretty extensive. From ASPCA to the American Diabetes Association to Habitat for Humanity and St Judes - so many to choose from. And, the one you do choose gets 25¢ per mile you run or walk or even bike!

St first I was kinda like "Only 25¢?" Then I started thinking about it. I typically run/walk 4-5 miles a day... so that would be at least $30/mo... and (obviously) $360/yr. Which - no - is not a lot - but it might be that little bit that makes a HUGE difference... and - if I can get 10 of my running friends to do the same... and then THEY get 10 friends... you see where this is going ;) - but seriously, think of the difference we could make!

The other way you can help with running is through virtual runs. And there are lots of sites to choose from that provide you an avenue to not only help raise money for a charity, but also get some awesome racing bling to show that you helped. Some of the ones I've used in the past are:
And these are not the only ones, just check how much of the money you are forking out is actually going to the charity before you click "buy now" and you should be good.

Happy Running and Reading!

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