Monday, January 2, 2017

Moving into 2017 with One Word

Seems like everyone makes New Year Resolutions - and that is GREAT! Having a time to really think about what you want and what you need to do to make it happen is a very important part of life - the new year seems to be the most logical time to do that. New year and new beginnings and all of that.

I know I have a lot of friends that laugh at those making resolutions because they "know" they will just break them. And that might be true - but why not help motivate and encourage them instead of laughing? Why not help support them so maybe, just maybe, they will actually make a go of their resolutions? Being motivated and supported by others does a lot towards being held self accountable for goals, which then helps people make those goals. I try to always help support others that truly are working towards a goal of some sort. I'm not going to say I do it selflessly because watching and helping people meet their goals is super fulfilling. I know when I can help others meet their goals it makes ME feel almost as good as they do.

With this in mind, I'm jumping on the "My Word for 2017" train. I have thought and thought and looked and looked to find one that really said what I want to do with my year but also wasn't a cliche. I wanted something that really symbolized everything I want 2017 to be, but was also original and different and ME.
I finally found it -
METANOIA - the journey of changing ones mind, heart, self, or way of life. (Greek)

Metanoia - a journey of change

So, basically I want change - and although yes that is a cliche, it is also the truth. It is a truth that most people also want when they make their resolutions. The problem is, most try to make those changes all at once and get overwhelmed so they quit. Or they don't have the support from their loved ones so they quit. Either way, the end is the same, they are not successful in meeting their resolutions or goals.

My goals specifically are - I want a change in my relationship with God - I feel like I've lost my way. I want a change in my focus on life - to somehow become more organized. I want a change in myself - I need to be more healthy so I can STAY healthy (working on this one already). I have so many things I've started and not finished - I need to finish them.

Being healthy is something I did for years until I fell off the "wagon" about a year ago - so I know I can do that one I just have to want it bad enough. Actually, I started on being healthy the last week of 2016. Eating healthy is easy if you are shown how and I enjoy my time running to focus on the things I've got on my mind (or to watch my weird shows my family doesn't like LOL). So, as long as I keep at it, that one will be a habit again in no time.

Something I want to finish are books #2 & #3. I know when I was in school there was just not enough time in the day for everything so my books had to go on hold for a while. But, I graduated in April and I have no excuses for why I haven't been working on them more since then. That is changing as of now. It is way past time to get this story out of my head and on paper so I can move on to the next story that has been waiting (not so patiently) for me to get to it.

So, those are the two I'm starting with, and the reason is, I know as I start to focus on myself and my wellbeing, my relationship with God will almost mend itself. He is patient that way thankfully.

So what are your resolutions? What do you want out of 2017? Tell someone and ASK them to support you - you will be amazed by how much that helps!

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