Wednesday, December 28, 2016

2017 MILES in 2017! OH MY!!!

So, if you follow my random blog posts you know that I am a runner... or... I WAS a runner about a year ago. Going full time to school put EVERYTHING on hold (except the bills! HA!). I've thankfully been able to start writing again. It is an amazing feeling to put these conversations and issues happening in Nowhere down in print and get them out of my head! Now it is time to start running again.

I know most of my family and friends think I'm crazy for loving to run. But the absolute freedom I feel while out on a run is like nothing else I have ever felt. It clears my head, helps relieve frustrations, and overall makes me feel 110% better! If you are a runner (or a walker even!) you know exactly what I mean!

So, knowing that I have a half marathon I'm planning on running in APRIL (yes, in 2017!) I know I have to start running regularly instead of the maybe once every two weeks I have been (it isn't a good situation LOL). And that brings us to the 2017 miles in 2017! Yes, this is an actual thing!

Not only does this break down to 5.5 MILES a day (WOW!) but, there are also monthly challenges to be done as well. I'll be honest - I'm SO excited to start! I miss running. My family (especially my husband) think I'm a little nuts. They, for the most part, do not understand my need for movement.

Actually, my husband regularly tells me "unless there is a bear chasing me I don't see why I would ever want to run." He also doesn't sit (or stand) at a desk literally all day every day with little to know physical activity. He is a mechanic. He is lifting, stretching, bending and moving all day every day. I am fortunate enough to have a standing desk, but that still doesn't give my body the exercise it needs.

So, that brings me to the main point of this blog! If there is anyone out there that wants to join me and my BFF Keira, we are starting this on January 1st, 2017. I will be reporting regularly on here how it is going with little updates. I'm also going to be sharing any tips/tricks I learn on the best way to train for a half marathon. And, if you have any tips/tricks - PLEASE feel free to share them in the comments!

AND - if you are interested in joining us - I'll be making some awesome shirts for any participating and wants them. They will be $12/ea - join us over at Funky Frog Studio to claim yours! :) 

Happy New Year and Happy Running!  

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