Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Missing Books + Nervous First Time Author = PANIC!

Well, I WAS panicking at least. Things are looking up now, though.

The first order of books for my WONDERFUL local readers was supposed to be delivered no later than Saturday, July 19th... I've been just as excited as the list of people I have waiting for those books. It is not every day you get to see your hard work repeated over and over and ready to be handed out to so many ready and eager to read it.

Then, the mailman came and went without placing a large box on my porch.

I immediately went back to my limited tracking information. Yes - it was originally going by UPS, then to be handed off to and delivered by USPS. I call UPS and of course their response is "we have electronic confirmation we delivered the package to USPS"... Um... OK... so where is my package?!?

I emailed my printer/publisher... they said they would look into it and get back to me in 24-48 hours. WHAT? I can't wait that long! Don't they understand I have eager readers waiting for this book?!? Of course I know they are doing all they can to help me out, and technically it isn't their fault, so I keep my cool even as I'm super disappointed.

This morning I get my email response - they FOUND it - my package is on it's way once again to my doorstep!


So, although delayed by a week, I will have my first round of books between the 25th and the 28th. Much later than I had hoped - but just glad they will make it. :)

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